Vietnam War - Honours and Awards
Brief Description of Honours and Awards. Collie Boys who displayed Gallant or Distinguished Conduct during Active Service in the Vietnam War (1962- 1975)

Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)
The Distinguished Flying Cross (Imperial Award) was a military decoration awarded to Air Force personnel of commissioned rank, for act/s of valour, courage or devotion to duty whilst flying in active operations against the enemy. During the Vietnam War there was 1 DFC awarded to RAN servicemen from Collie.
Lieutenant James Collier BUCHANAN DFC

Medal for Gallantry (MG)
The Medal for Gallantry (Australian Award)
25 years after the end of the Vietnam War several Vietnam Veterans who were recommended for awards of Gallantry during that War finally received recognition. Originally recommended for the Military Medal (MM) for bravery (Imperial Award) the recommendations were later downgraded to Mention in Despatches (MID). The original decision to downgrade the awards was overturned and the soldiers were then awarded the Australian Medal for Gallantry (MG) for their acts of bravery. There was 1 Collie Boy awarded the MG;
Sgt Francis Carr (Frank) CASHMORE MG MID (Sgt Cashmore was also Mentioned in Despatches)

Mention In Despatches (MID)
Soldiers of the British Empire or the Commonwealth of Nations who are mentioned in dispatches but do not receive a medal for their action, are nonetheless entitled to receive a certificate and wear a decoration. If a subordinate officer or soldier performs a noteworthy action included in the report he/she is said to have been "mentioned in despatches."
There were two (2) servicemen from Collie and Surrounding Districts who were Mentioned in Despatches during the Vietnam War.
Sergeant Francis (Frank) Carr CASHMORE, MG MID (twice), and Flight Lieutenant (Pilot) George GODFREY, MID