Thank you to our Sponsors

Royalties for Regions
Royalties for Regions underpins the State Government's long-term commitment to developing Western Australia's regional areas.

Premier Coal
Premier Coal operates a major open cut coal mine in Collie, Western Australia, and provides power generation fuel for the States' south-west integrated grid.

Synergy is the state’s largest electricity generator and retailer of gas and electricity with more than one million residential, business and industry customers

Howden Australia
Howden in Australia supplies turnkey solution, fans, blowers, heat exchangers and silencers as well as a comprehensive range of services.

Collie Shire
Welcome to the Shire of Collie - A great place to live, visit and invest!

Ljungstrom Pty Ltd
We are a global technology and innovation leader, specializing in full life-cycle solutions and services for a wide range of industries.

Lotterywest was established in 1932 as the Lotteries Commission of Western Australia, to run the lottery in Western Australia.

Barn-Zee’s Burgers & Barista
Great Burgers! Great Coffee! Great Atmosphere!

We are a global mining and metals company, creating value by producing commodities that are used in many aspects of modern life.

Department of Veteran's Affairs
The Saluting their Service program supports communities to recognise those who have served our nation in war, conflict and peacekeeping operations.

Coalminers Welfare Board of WA
Provision of grants to community groups for the development of their facilities and services