Korean War - Honours and Awards
Korean WAR - COLLIE BOYS – Honours and Awards
Brief Description of Honours and Awards - Collie Boys who displayed Gallant or Distinguished Conduct during Active Service in the Korean War (1950- 1953).
Mentioned in Despatches (MID):

2400126 T/Sgt Bernard Kevin COCKS MID
3rdBattalion RAR
T/Sgt Bernard Cocks was born in Collie and enlisted from NSW, he was killed in action on 17 May 1953 during his second tour of duty in Korea. Bernard Cocks was posthumously awarded Mentioned in Despatches in November 1953.
USA Air Medal (foreign award):

Flight Lieutenant John Joseph O’DONNELL DFC
Flight Lieutenant O’Donnell DFC, a Collie Boy, enlisted into the RAAF in 1940 he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) during WW2 (see WW2 Honours and Awards). Flight Lieutenant O’Donnell was awarded the USA Air Medal for actions in Korea between 16 March 1952 and 3 April 1952, whilst serving with RAAF 77 (fighter) Squadron.